Thursday, August 2, 2012

More U.S. Geography

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State Facts for Students from the United States Census Bureau offers interesting statistics about each state — not just overall population, but how many 8-year-olds, how many boys, how many girls, how many zoos, how many dentists.

screen shot is a website from the U.S. Department of the Interior with hundreds of maps that you can print. You can choose the whole country or just one state, and choose different features to include (transportation, geology, environment, agriculture, cities, etc.).

There are also articles about American geography, including topics as diverse as the creation of the interstate highway system, the Civil War, congressional apportionment, and hurricanes. For a local story, see Mount Rainier: Learning to Live with Volcanic Risk.

This site has material for science, economics, history, and government—i.e., pages that would be fun to browse or that could help with a term paper. (Some students who don't want to read books might like looking at pictures and maps.)

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