Thursday, August 21, 2014

War Arithmetic

Lots of kids enjoy the simple card game of War. Happily, it doesn't take much to turn it into a good arithmetic game that can be adapted as kids learn more.

For beginners, remove all the face cards.

The first lesson is simply comparing values, as in the basic game. Use the symbols >, =, and <.

9 > 5
Students can count the pips on the cards to see which number is larger: there are more clubs on the 9 of clubs than there are diamonds on the 5 of diamonds.

6 < 10

10 = 10

Later, each player can draw two cards at a time and add them. The larger sum wins.

6 + 9 > 4 + 2

Students who find this easy can start adding three cards at a time, instead of two. You might even see the commutative and associative properties in action. 6 + 3 + 4 works out the same, no matter whether you figure it out as (6 + 3) + 4 or (3 + 4) + 6 or any other combination.

Later, switch to multiplication.

6 x 6 = 4 x 9
Students who are confident with their times tables up to 10 x 10 can use the face cards in the deck, with jacks = 11, queens =12, and kings = 13. Write this down to help players remember.
J = 11
Q = 12
K = 13
K x 4 > 10 x 5, that is: 13 x 4 > 10 x 5
Have fun!

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